The Nemeses (singular: Nemesis), also known as Sauron's Army, are the Uruk and Olog-Hai that have gained recognition within the Orc hierarchy. Each Nemesis has his own personality and will rise or fall within the respective social structures of the Orcs as a playthrough progresses. By defeating these notable enemies, Talion is rewarded Runes or Gear to increase the potential of his weapons and/or abilities.
Many different factors define a Nemesis:
- Names and Titles - Each Nemesis has a unique name and title, typically representative of their overall characterization.
- Visuals - Nemeses are generated uniquely from a large pool of multiple body types, parts, hairstyles, behaviors, voices, animations, etc. The appearance of a Nemesis can usually indicate their type of personality. This customization expands in scope every time these Uruk advance up the ranks of the Army. When an Uruk becomes a Captain, he gains more fearsome weapons and armor as befitting his personality. This is further enhanced when the Captain manages to become a Warchief or Overlord, where he will wear even more imposing armor to befit his new status.
- Relationships - Some Nemeses may develop a relationship with other Nemeses. This usually involves a rivalry between the two Uruks, and Talion will always find these two doing missions against each other until one of them dies. If a Captain proves himself worthy, he can serve as the Bodyguard to a Warchief. An Overlord can have a Bodyguard even though he has control over the entire region. When a Warchief confronts Talion, all his Bodyguards will be present at his side. The Bodyguards of Warchiefs can be encountered alone, away from their master. In Middle-earth: Shadow of War, Uruks and Ologs can become blood-brothers with another Nemesis, meaning that the two share a positive relationship. If Talion kills one of them, the other will seek revenge.
- Power Levels - It is power and strength that defines Uruk society; those with more power reign over those without. The higher an Uruk's Power Level, the more powerful he will be in battle. In terms of a Nemesis' acquired Traits, a low Power Level will guarantee more Weaknesses and fewer Strengths while a high Power Level will guarantee fewer Weaknesses and more Strengths. A Nemesis' list of Traits will change (generally losing Weaknesses and gaining Strengths) as his Power Level increases. A Power Level also affects their general toughness and damage-dealing ability. The maximum Power Level, for both Captains and Warchiefs, is 20 in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor and 25 in The Bright Lord DLC. The maximum Power Level for all Nemeses, including Captains, Warchiefs, and Overlords, in Shadow of War is 85.
- Traits - Nemesis Traits are the various Strengths and Weaknesses that a Nemesis can possess. This makes each Nemesis very unique and likely requires various tactics to defeat.
- Location - The location of the Nemesis within a region. If the Nemesis is not on the map, the mission he's currently undertaking will be. If Talion dominates a Nemesis, makes them a Follower, selects the option "Stay and Fight for Me", the Uruk will stay in the area as an ally and battle in defense of his master.
- Hierarchy - The hierarchy refers to the Uruks' and Ologs' militaristic chain of command, with only the strongest and most powerful occupying the upper echelon:
- Overlords - Introduced in Shadow of War, these Uruks and Olog-hai are at the top of the hierarchy. Their great power allows them to rule an entire region of Mordor from their fortress, fiercely guarded by the Warchiefs they promoted themselves. They are generally considered stronger than a Warchief to have gained their title. The fortress they control is customized to their liking, sharing traits depending on the tribe.
- Warchiefs - Previously the strongest Uruk rank in Mordor before the forging of the New Ring. These Uruks and Olog-hai are second in strength only to the Overlords and have the absolute loyalty of the Captains that are made their Bodyguards. These Nemeses are much tougher than the lower-ranked Captains. Unlike Captains, a Warchief is not in the region initially. They must be drawn out by having a dominated Nemesis bring out the Warchief through a Mission or complete a certain mission that will attract the Warchief's attention. As explained by one of their own, because a Warchief's power is fearsome to the lower ranks, should he refuse a challenge, it would display weakness, a death marker for any Uruk. Only the Captains have the notoriety to issue a Death Threat to a Warchief.
- Captains - These Uruks and Olog-hai represent the second-lowest tier of the hierarchy, only above a typical Uruk(Soldier). They have proven their strength and thirst for war. They are more powerful than the average Uruk since they have gained special Traits that grant them increased power. However, they have also developed specific Weaknesses that can be exploited. Captains that demonstrate their strength in battle can be chosen as the Bodyguard of a Warchief, serving their master with the utmost loyalty. The Captains in a single region are the most dynamic in terms of personality as they are the ones who fight and complete missions to increase their power. Captains can receive a Death Threat from both Grunts(Soldiers) and other Captains.
- Grunts - Previously called Soldiers in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. The most common rank of Uruks, Goblins and Olog-hai that Talion meets in the land of Mordor. Grunts are the lowest of the hierarchy and don't appear when viewing the Army of a region. Captains and Warchiefs have Grunt followers in addition to Bodyguards. If a Grunt accomplishes great feats, such as killing the Ranger or defeating a Captain, they will move up the hierarchy as a Captain. If a Grunt takes up an opportunity, i.e. taking the vacant position of a recently deceased Captain, they will move up the hierarchy becoming a Captain. Any Grunt is capable of becoming a Captain, so this presents a useful strategy for newly minted Nemeses and Followers to gain Power.
Ranks - The longer a Nemesis maintains or advances their position in the Army, the more missions he will complete and the more experience he will gain. This history is often indicated by the prefix of his rank:
- No prefix - Greenhorns that have only just begun their career in Mordor.
- Veteran - They've seen many things and lived long enough to tell about them.
- Elite - If there was an Uruk that was ever needed for a mission, it's one of them.
- Legendary - The Uruks that all other Uruks fear, despise, and worship, at the same time.
Advanced Class - A mechanic introduced in Shadow of War. There are ten classes, each with their special trait.
- Assassin - Is a lethal killer who prefers to ambush his enemies and strike them down as quickly as possible.
- Beastmaster - As one with the beasts of Mordor, beasts will not attack him. Beasts dominated and controlled by Talion will attack the Beastmaster.
- Berserker - A chaotic warrior who becomes Enraged in battle and thrives when damaging others.
- Commander - Strengthens those who fight alongside him, enabling them to use attacks against enemies that can not be countered.
- Destroyer - An expert in explosive tactics and weaponry, the Destroyer is always equipped with bombs and mines.
- Marksman - The Marksman is a specialist in ranged combat who sees farther and fires with increased accuracy and damage.
- Slayer - The Slayer is an extremely skilled fighter who faces his enemies straight on and overpowers them with exceptional combat skills.
- Tank - Heavily armored fighters that withstand immense damage and are capable of a second wind moments before death.
- Tracker -Seeks Talion out and tracks him, occasionally summons reinforcements to assist. He will track Talion to almost all hiding spots.
- Trickster - An expert in surprise attacks and unexpected tactics that confuse and bewilder his enemies. The Trickster is difficult to predict.
Attack Type - A Nemesis' attack type Class usually characterizes their preferred weapon choice when maiming Uruks, Men, and Elves:
- Warrior - The Warriors are always the first to rush into battle when it starts. They vary from skinny to large and everything in between. They carry a one-handed weapon, usually a sword or spiked club of some kind. They also possess throwing weapons that they can use against targets some distance away. They generally can be defeated using basic combat tactics.
- Archer - The Archer is the basic long-range attack type and is typically more scrawny than Warriors. Usually found on higher ground, such as watchtowers, to be safe from attackers and have a better vantage point to shoot from. Otherwise, they are found either shooting down from above, or flanking Warriors to get a better angle on their targets. Arrows cannot be countered but can be dodged. They have markedly weaker physiology than the more melee-focused Uruks. They are easily dealt with once combat begins or can be eliminated from a distance with the bow Azkâr.
- Savage - Originally called Berserker in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. Their methods are similar to Warriors, but they wield two weapons instead of one. They tend to be larger than the typical Uruk and are usually covered in warpaint. When in combat, they deal more damage than the other attack type Classes and are capable of throwing their weapons. Their attacks can be countered, but they can perform a whirlwind attack that cannot be countered. The whirlwind attack can be dodged and is indicated by the red marker instead of the white marker. The Savage cannot be attacked head-on with a low Hitstreak because they will counter the attack. Talion can attack them head-on by stunning them or having a Hitstreak of 15 or higher. At a Hitstreak of 15, Talion's sword will be faster and stronger, easily penetrating a Savage's frontal defense. They can freely be attacked from the back, without needing to stun them or have a Hitstreak of 15 or above.
- Defender - These Uruks chose a balance of defense and offense. They are usually the largest of the Uruks encountered and wield massive shields and long, pointy spears or halberds. Their attacks cannot be countered but can be dodged. Jumping over them and attacking from behind is the best tactic to defeat them. The ghostly arrows from Azkar penetrate through the shields. Wooden shields can be destroyed after sustaining enough damage, after which they will drop their spears, draw a sword, and become regular Warriors. When Talion's Hit Counter is at 15x or higher, his sword attacks are more powerful and can smash a Defender's wooden shield in one hit. If a Defender becomes a Captain, he will upgrade to a metallic shield which cannot be broken. Talion can still jump over a Captain, that was a Defender, by vaulting over his shield.
- Hunter - Uruks that attack with spears and surprise attacks, usually in pursuit of a beast of Mordor. These Uruks are smaller compared to the other Classes, and carry spears and javelins on their back. They tend to stand at medium-range, behind other melee Uruks, strafing to get a better shot at their target. Like Archers, they can't take as much damage as melee-oriented fighters.
- Sapper -The Sapper is a suicide bomber. A Sapper is usually chosen from the hordes of Goblins. Uruks developed new blasting powder and used it to create a new kind of high explosive. Sappers carry these explosives on their backs and wield a torch to ignite it. They typically run ahead of the Uruks and ignite the explosives when they collide with their target. The targets can be fortifications, Talion or enemy Captains and Warchiefs. Fortifications get reduced to rubble when the Sapper collides with them. Certain Warchiefs and Captains can summon Sappers to attack their enemies.
- Olog-Hai - A new race of Troll that the Dark Lord has begun breeding for high-risk battles. Their size is far greater than even the tallest of Uruks. They wield massive clubs that can bludgeon heads and break bones. Their large frame usually prevents the Ranger from being able to reach their necks with his sword. They are slower than the typical Uruk and can be dodged by sliding under their legs or around them.
Tribes - In the wake of the New Ring's forging, the great hordes of Uruk and Olog-hai have begun organizing themselves into collectives that are based around a particular mode of warfare, in turn heavily influencing their personalities and visuals:
- Dark - Favor stealth and subterfuge. Adept at ambushes, double-crosses, and battlefield trickery.
- Terror - Obsessed with inflicting and receiving pain. Master torturers of Mordor that are feared by all others.
- Machine - Believe in an industrial age for Mordor and thus take a mechanical approach to warfare.
- Warmonger - Take a high reverence for warfare. Brutally straightforward, and feared for it.
- Mystic - Fanatics of the Dark Lord's black magic. They are feared for their twisted curses and spells.
- Feral - Inspired by the beasts of Mordor for their savagery. Battles with the mind and ferocity of beasts.
- Marauder - Prefer plunder and feasting. Utterly sack whatever they conquer, with nothing left behind.
DLC Additional Content has introduced two new tribes, each fully assimilated into the existing Nemesis system
- Slaughter - Revel in unprovoked bloodshed and carnage. Cannibalistic and obsessed with gore.
- Outlaw - Outcasts of normal orc society. Unpredictable scavengers that make weapons and gear with whatever lies around.
Tribe Traits - The armies of Sauron are trained to utterly destroy and dominate their foes. How they do it is left up to them. The Orc tribes populating Mordor have developed specialized methods for decapitating, bludgeoning, disemboweling, etc., so that no Uruk is ever without a way to kill:
- Dark Strikes (Dark Tribe) - Uses deadly curved blades to deal a series of quick, brutal strikes.
- Terror Chains (Terror Tribe) - Lashes out with long-chain weapons, damaging everything caught in their sweeping strikes.
- Machine Hook (Machine Tribe) - Throws a chained hook at opponents and pulls them in, dealing heavy damage.
- Warmonger Clash (Warmonger Tribe) - Locks Talion's weapon in place with their armored gauntlets, dealing extra damage with rapid blows.
- Mystic Blade (Mystic Tribe) - Uses the power of shadow to appear next to Talion, striking with a deadly Morgul Blade.
- Feral Claws (Feral Tribe) - Tackles and brutalizes Talion with massive claws.
- Hail of Bolts (Marauder Tribe) - Wields two crossbows at once to fire a hail of stunning bolts at opponents.
- Slaughter Cleavers (Slaughter Tribe) - Throws sharp cleavers in quick succession, causing bleeding wounds.
- Bolas (Outlaw Tribe) - Throws a bola that ties down enemies, immobilizing them.
Convention in Identity
In Shadow of War, a Nemesis's complete set of traits are summarized into an identifier under their name. The order of these identifiers are:
1.Element of Weapon (if there's any).
2.Tribe/Status as Undead.
3.Advanced Class (Or their basic Class if the Nemesis lacks Advanced Class).
Thus, as an example, if an Uruk is of the Terror tribe, has a Cursed weapon and is a Slayer, his identifier would be Cursed Terror Slayer.
Game Mechanics
Talion can interact with and manipulate the Nemesis System in various ways to achieve certain goals.
- Gathering Intel - When a new Nemesis enters the Nemesis System and has had no interaction with Talion, they will be represented by a silhouette in the System with no information about them. Talion can Dominate any Uruk to get information on these unknown Nemeses. However, in Shadow of Mordor, Talion does not get the traits of a Nemesis from interrogating regular soldiers(Grunts) who only provides the name, Power Level, and location of the Nemesis. He can only get the trait information from a Captain, an intel drop, a saved outcast that can be spoken to, or a Worm. In Shadow of War, Talion only gets the name, Power Level, location and Strengths of a Nemesis from dominating regular soldiers(Grunts). He can only obtain the Weaknesses of a Nemesis from a Captain, an intel drop or a Worm. He can only get intel on a Warchief from Captains or Worms.
- Interference - The Nemeses will sometimes go off to do missions on their own, and Talion can go to their locations to interfere with these missions. Talion can prevent, or allow the Nemesis to succeed these missions. Usually, if the Nemesis succeeds in their mission, their Power Level will increase, and if they fail, they will either die or flee. This can be a useful tactic in influencing the growth or downfall of certain Nemeses.
- Death Threat - After obtaining the Death Threat skill, Talion can dominate any Uruk, and have him deliver a Death Threat to a Nemesis. Death Threats to Warchiefs may only be made through a Captain. The downside will be that the threatened Nemesis will become stronger and he will surround himself with more gang members. The upside is that Talion's chances to gain epic runes for defeating him will increase.
- Initiation - Talion can get a Captain to become a bodyguard for a Warchief by making the Captain do an initiation rite to prove his worthiness to the Warchief. In Shadow of Mordor, the mission type is Trial by Ordeal and Talion can interfere with the initiation to ensure or prevent the Captain from becoming a bodyguard of the Warchief. In Shadow of War, the mission type is Trial by Ordeal and if the timer ends the mission ends in a draw. The Trail of Ordeal, in Shadow of War, takes place in the fighting pits where the Captain Talion has chosen fights another Captian. There is a timer for the fight, and if none of the selected Captains has killed each other before the timer ends, the mission ends in a draw.
- Dominating Soldiers - By dominating soldiers(Grunts) and allowing them to live, they might enter the Nemesis System already under your control. If the System has an open Captain position and time is advanced either through death or Forge Tower, an unknown Captain immediately reveals himself under Talion's control. If a player wants to have new Captains under Talion's control with minimal effort, consider this tactic.
- Mission Creation - After Dominating a Nemesis, Talion can order the Nemesis to start up a Mission against another Nemesis at any time. Talion can then focus on increasing his dominated Nemesis' Power Level by helping the Nemesis complete these Missions. The Dominated Nemesis can also draw out Warchiefs if prompted to, but only if that Nemesis is a member of the Warchief's bodyguard (thus an Initiation must be performed first).
- Dying - If a Captian or Warchief kills Talion, their Power Level will increase. If a soldier(Grunt) kills Talion, the soldier(Grunt) will become a Captian. If there is no open Captain position for the new Captain, he will duel another Captain to the death. Talion can continually die to a particular Nemesis to control how powerful that certain Uruk gets. This way, Talion can either Dominate him for a powerful servant or kill him for a powerful rune.
Missions and Events
Also known as Power Struggles, these are the random missions and events that revolve around the Uruks dynamic hierarchy positions. These are triggered by interacting with the mission marker on the Main Map. As long as the mission's objective is completed, Uruks will gain Power levels, even if Talion is the one who manipulated the outcome.
- Promotion - An Uruk Soldier enters the Nemesis System to become a Captain. After occupying a space on the bottom row of the Sauron's Army screen, either by killing the previous Captain, or taking up the unoccupied space, he gains a title and new armor. From there, the Captain will attempt to go up into higher roles by either occupying an empty space on a higher row, or fight another Captain for that spot. Usually newer Captains are much weaker than those who have experience in the System, yet may be useful for easy domination or easy fodder for other Captains to level up on.
- Duel (Riot, in the case one or both of the Nemeses is a Warchief) - One Nemesis battles another Nemesis in an attempt to gain more power. The Nemeses goes one on one with their followers cheering them on. If one or both of the Nemeses is a Warchief, their applicable bodyguards will also be present to battle as well. The losing Nemesis may flee the battle if not killed, by either the other Nemesis or Talion, which allows him to continue in the System. The victor of the battle will gain a power level. If Talion decides to join in on the fight and kills off one of the Nemeses, the survivor still gets the power level. The more cowardly Uruks might not die from this because they fled the battle. These can be useful for drawing out Warchiefs because they appear on the map if this is prompted, without needing to complete a mission to lure the Warchief out. Also note that if the player wishes their branded Warchief to win a Riot, it is important to press the button that commands all nearby Branded Uruks to aggressively attack (specific button dependent on gaming platform), otherwise on occasion the player's Warchief will be attacked aggressively, outnumbered, and killed by multiple enemies (including the target), while the player's Dominated soldiers may sometimes stand by idly.
- Betrayal - A Warchief's bodyguard betrays the Warchief in attempt to take his rank. This can only be accomplished through domination, as bodyguards are loyal to the very end. The betrayer and his followers will fight all of the Warchief's, including any "loyal" bodyguard Nemeses. There is a good chance that the betrayer will die if he fights multiple Nemeses without help. If Talion decides to interfere and kills the Warchief, then the initial betrayer will gain a power level and become the new Warchief immediately. If the betrayer dies, the Warchief becomes stronger and gains a power level. Ordering a dominated bodyguard to perform a Betrayal is a much quicker tactic for drawing out a Warchief than doing the actual Warchief mission. If all of the Warchief's bodyguards are dominated, then the betrayal mission will take place out in the wild instead of in a Stronghold, between only the Warchief and his traitorous bodyguards.
- Recruitment - A Nemesis and a few of his followers attempt to gain new followers by killing several resistant groups of Uruks. After the few who resisted are killed, the remainder joins up with the Nemesis. The Nemesis and his new followers then move on to the next group where they repeat the process. Each of these fights will involve the Nemesis fighting alone against the belligerent Uruk soldiers. If the Nemesis successfully does this three times in a row, they gain a power level. If Talion intends to defeat and Brand or kill a strong Nemesis performing a Recruitment, it is advisable to wait till the second or third fight, where the Nemesis may already be wounded; however, this also means he will also have a larger number of followers present in the form of fresh recruits.
- Execution - A Nemesis might decide to execute another Nemesis and his followers. The executioner will line up the victim with 3 of his followers, on their knees, and execute them one by one, the victim being the last one. The followers of the executioner will watch from a short distance away cheering their leader on. If Talion decides to kill the executioner, the surviving Nemesis powers up instead. If the execution is successful, then the executioner gains a power level. It is possible for there to be no Nemesis to execute, in which the executioner Nemesis will simply put four common soldiers to the sword. When Commanding a high-level Branded Captain to murder an enemy Captain of a significantly lower Power Level, this most often results in an Execution instead of a Duel (with the higher level Captain performing the role of executioner). A Nemesis who is the victim of an Execution event will be stationary on his knees, with very low health, which means that if the executioner and his troops are already friendly, this makes it possible for Talion to immediately effortlessly grab the enemy Nemesis and either kill or dominate them if so desired.
- Feast - A Nemesis is in the midst of celebration with his followers, which means there will be a lot of grog barrels placed throughout the feasting area, making this a great window for taking down a Nemesis through explosions or grog poisoning. There are a good number of enemies in the area, but they are mainly in groups. It is perfect for well placed fire arrow explosion shots, or quick draw archers, to take them out quickly. If the feast goes by uninterrupted, the hosting Nemesis gains a power level.
- Trial by Ordeal - The Nemesis is pitted against a beast of Mordor to show off his power to the other Uruk. He will fight alone against a Caragor with his followers watching from a distance. If he is successful in the kill, he gains a power level. If unsuccessful, he will either die or survive and perhaps gain a fear of the creature. Talion can get involved by either killing the beast to let the Nemesis gain the power level, or kill the Nemesis while he is distracted by the fight. If the nemesis is under Talion's control, Talion can dominate the beast, causing both refuse to fight each other; in this case, no harmful or beneficial traits are gained, and no change in Power Level occurs. In Shadow of War, another nemesis and his grunts can intrude, attacking the captain in the trial.
- Beast Hunt - Similar to a Trial by Ordeal, only instead the Nemesis battles a pack of Caragors/Ghuls or a single Graug with some of his followers. Success brings power. Failure brings death, or emotional trauma.
- Ambush - A Nemesis fights another Nemesis, similar to a Duel, however one Nemesis and several of his followers will face waves of opposing Uruk. After the second wave of Uruk, either a much larger wave of Uruks or the opposing Nemesis will appear with the wave. Typically, the ambushing Nemesis will win, but if Talion gets involved that might change. If the ambushed Nemesis survives or does not flee, he will gain a power level. It is possible for the ambush to have no attacking Nemesis, and the defending Nemesis has to fight off a few waves of common Uruk soldiers to succeed. If Talion brands the ambushed Uruk Captain, and the Uruk Captain who initiated the ambush is already branded, then the ambush will immediately end the moment the branded captain shows up. Talion will be forced to defend the newly branded captain until the ambushing captain shows, and previously branded Uruk soldiers that are attacking the previously unbranded captain will now be marked as targets. In Shadow of War, a third party, led by another captain, might ambush the ambushing party, creating a three-way conflict.
- Survived - If a Nemesis survives an encounter with Talion (even if they don't fight), the Nemesis gains a power level.
- Death - What happens to a Nemesis after he "dies" in the System is mainly dependent on the way he was killed. If the Nemesis retains his head after "dying", there is a chance that he might have actually survived, and return unexpectedly with scars, sackcloth bag and strings wrapped around his head, metal plates on his skull, or some combinations of thereof. He can return multiple times as long as his head was not cut off. If the head is cut off then that particular Nemesis will never return, and he is represented in the Nemesis System as a severed head on a spike (instead of a corpse), serving as an indicator that Talion has guaranteed the permanent elimination of that particular Nemesis. This is most effectively ensured by Wraith Finisher or Lethal Shadow Strike, while Executions provide a good chance of ending in a decapitation. In Shadow of War, the amount of possible deaths increases, with Nemeses being swarmed by Morgai Flies, frozen, poisoned, burned, and cleaved in two. However, with every death there can be a survivor. If the nemesis was swarmed, they could be a living hive. If the nemesis was poisoned, their face could be deformed and partially melted. If the orc was cleaved, they come back as "The Machine", with a prosthetic arm and leg.
- Kills a Caragor/Graug - When a Nemesis slays a Caragor or Graug, even when he is not involved in a Power Struggle, he will gain a Power level for each one he slays. Be wary of this, as this can be a good way of making a Nemesis powerful quickly.
- Killed You - Talion was dealt a killing blow by a Nemesis, or soon-to-be Nemesis (common soldier), which increases their power level. Other Nemeses that survived the encounter with Talion will also gain power levels when this happens as well. If the killing blow was done by a soldier, he enters the Nemesis System as a newly-minted Captain.
- Fought You - Occasionally, a soldier will be promoted to Captain whose identity is already known, in which case they will be given new armor and/or weapons, with only their new traits unknown. The same can also occur for branded soldiers, adding unexpected new allies to Talion's army.
- Shamed - In Shadow of War, a new ability allows Talion to shame an Uruk or Olog, giving them a permanent burn-scar on their head in the shape of his hand. Usually this results in a decrease in power level, making them weaker, losing strengths. However, the nemesis can also gain power level in certain cases, being unashamed and taking the scar with pride. Later on, a nemesis can be deranged, sucking out their personality. This could result in constant repetition of a word or phrase ("It's your fort", "I knew it", "Tasty", "Love me! Love me!"), the lost of speech and only communicating in whimpers and moans, or becoming a maniac.
List of Names and Titles
Nemeses are randomly named and given a title appropriate to their appearance, traits or past actions. Any of the names listed below can be combined with any title. Titles can be useful as they may tell the Nemesis' habits and behavior. Their first names can be chanted by drawing the Warchief out. (This list is not yet complete)
Akoth | Amûg | Ashgarn | Azdûsh | Azgrom |
Bagabug | Bagga | Barfa | Blorg | Bolg |
Borgu | Bork | Brogg | Bûbol | Bûth |
Dharg | Dûgz | Dûgza | Dûsh | Dûshrat |
Feldûsh | Felgrat | Flak | Flogg | Folgûm |
Garl | Ghâm | Ghash | Ghûra | Gimûb |
Glûk | Golm | Gorfel | Gorgûm | Goroth |
Grisha | Grom | Grûblik | Gruk | Gubu |
Gûnd | Gûndza | Hoglik | Horhog | Hork |
Horza | Hoshgrish | Hoshû | Hûmgrat | Hûra |
Ishgha | Ishmoz | Kâka | Khrosh | Koth |
Kothûg | Krakhorn | Krimp | Krûk | Kûga |
Kugáluga | Lamlûg | Latbag | Lorm | Lûga |
Lûgdash | Lûgnak | Mâku | Malmûg | Mogg |
Mormog | Mozfel | Mozû | Mûg | Muggrish |
Mûglûk | Mûzglob | Nákra | Nazdûg | Názkûga |
Nazû | Norsko | Norûk | Ogbur | Ogg |
Ogthrak | Olgoth | Olrok | Orthog | Pâsh |
Pígug | Prâk | Pûg | Pûgrish | Pushkrimp |
Râsh | Ratak | Ratanák | Ratbag (unique) | Ratlûg |
Ronk | Rûg | Rûkdûg | Shag | Shágflak |
Shaká | Skak | Skog | Skoth | Skûn |
Snafû | Snagog | Takra | Târz | Thakrak |
Thrak | Torz | Tûgog | Tûhorn | Tûkâ |
Tûmhom | Tûmûg | Ugol | Ûgakûga | Ûggû |
Ûkbûk | Ûkrom | Ûkshak | Ûshbaka | Ûshgol |
Uthûg | Zâthra | Zog (unique) | Zogdûsh | Zûgor |
Zuka | Zûmug | Zunn |
Ar-Baruk | Ar-Beka | Ar-Benu | Ar-Gul | Ar-Henok |
Ar-Hissu | Ar-Janek | Ar-Kaius | Ar-Karo | Ar-Pratu |
Ar-Saku | Az-Adar | Az-Bror | Az-Grels | Az-Harto (unique) |
Az-Laar | Az-Rans | Az-Tarmo | Az-Teru | Baz (unique) |
Brûz (unique) | Daz (unique) | Gaz (unique) | Ur-Dag | Ur-Edin |
Ur-Gram | Ur-Hakon | Ur-Kalmar | Ur-Lasu | Ur-Lisak |
Ur-Masi |
Dark Tribe
Black-Blade (unique) | Black-Heart | Black-Thorn | Black Tooth | Death-Blade |
Desolation | Earth-Salter | Fast Feet | Jungle-Rot | Man Breaker |
Man-Hunter | Man-Stalker | of the Gloom | of the Hand | Puppet Master |
Quick-Blades | Ranger-Killer (unique) | Storm-Bringer (unused) | the Assassin | the Black |
the Black Elm | the Breaker | the Champion | the Cut-Throat | the Dangerous |
the Dark | the Fixer (unique) | the Grim | the Grog Hoarder (unique) | the Heartless |
the Inscrutable (unique) | the Jaded | the Killer | the Knife | the Lurker |
the Murderous | the Poisoned | the Poisoner | the Pike (unique) | the Prickler |
the Prowler | the Puny | the Rat-Lord | the Reaper | the Runner |
the Shadow | the Shy | the Slayer | the Slippery | the Smuggler |
the Sneak | the Stalker | the Stinger | the Swift | the Timid |
the Tracker | the Tricky | the Unseen | the Venomous | the Wasteful Hunter |
the Wicked | Throat-Slasher |
Feral Tribe
Beast Butcher | Beast Slayer | Beast Tamer | Beastmaster | Bloodhound |
Bone-Licker | Bone-Shaker | Caragor-Fang | Caragor Slayer | Caragor Tamer |
Cave Rat | Death Bone (unique) | Drake-Killer | Drooler | Ear-Collector |
Earth-Scorcher | Flame-Eater | Flesh-Picker | Forge-Claw | Frog-Blood |
Ghûl Hunter | Ghûl Keeper | Ghûl Lover | Ghûl Slayer | Graug Catcher |
Graug Slayer | Hide Skinner | Longtooth | Lord of the Maggots | Maggot-Nest |
of the Beasts | of the Burning Wings | of the Maggots | Scar-Hide | Skull Bow |
Stone-Hive | Tasty | the Backbiter | the Biter | the Bone Collector |
the Caragor Thief | the Catcher | the Crusher | the Digger (unique) | the Gab |
the Hairy (unique) | the Horned Lord | the Maddest One | the Maggot | the Merciful |
the Mindless | the Rat | the Savage | the Skewer | the Twins |
the Wild | Thin Bones | Trophy Hunter (unique) | Worm-Licker |
Machine Tribe
Ash-Skin | Blade Smith | Blade Sharpener | Bloodstoker | Fire-Brander |
Firebelly | Flame Monger | Grog-Burner | Hammerfist | Hot-Head |
Hot Tongs | Iron Arm | Iron-Fist | Iron-Skin | Literate One |
Metal-Beard | Metal Beater | Mountain-Eater | of the Caves | Quarter Master |
Rock Crusher | Scorcher | Slave-Lover | Slavemaster | Slave Taskmaster |
Skullgrinder | Steward of the Keep (unique) | Taskmaster | the Alchemist | the Anvil |
the Armorer | the Blacksmith | the Blast | the Brander | the Champion of Gorgoroth |
The Crusher | the Clever | the Deep Delver | the Destroyer | the Driver |
the Enforcer | the Gatekeeper | the Iron Willed | the Molten (unique) | the One |
the Only One | the Other One | the Scorpion | the Selfsame One | the Slaver |
the Spider-Hawk | the Steady | the Strong | the Torch | the Wasp |
Tree-Killer | Vat Keeper (unique) | Web-Breaker |
Archer Trainer | Ash-Skin | Bag-Head | Barrel-Scraper | Battle-Master |
Beast Slayer | Beastmaster | Beserker Master | Black-Blade | Black-Heart |
Black-Thorn | Black Tooth | Blade Master | Blade Sharpener | Blood-Axe |
Blood-Dripper | Blood Guzzler | Blood-Lover | Blood-Mad | Blood-Storm |
Bloodhound | Bloodlust | Bloodstoker | Bone-Licker | Bone-Ripper |
Bone-Shaker | Bone-Snapper | Bootlick | Brain Damaged | Brawl-Master |
Brawler | Bright Eyes | Broken-Shield | Cannibal | Caragor Fang |
Caragor Slayer | Caragor Tamer | Cave Rat | Corpse-Eater | Corpse Grinder |
Dead Killer | Dead Wood | Death-Blade | Deathbringer | Deathmonger |
Desolation | Discipline Master | Drake-Killer | Drooler | Dwarf-Eater |
Eagle Eye | Ear Collector | Elf-Slayer | Evil Eye | Eye-Gouger |
Face-Eater | Fast Feet | Fat Head | Fear Eater | Fear Lord |
Fire-Brander | Firebelly | Flame Monger | Flesh Lover | Flesh-Lump |
Flesh-Picker | Flesh-Render | Flesh-Rot | Foul-Spawn | Frog-Blood |
Ghûl Keeper | Ghûl Lover | Giant Slayer | Giggles | Gold-Fang |
Gore King | Gore-Tide | Graug Catcher | Graug Slayer | Grog-Burner |
Grog-Maker | Guard Master | Halfling-Lover | Hammerfist | Head-Chopper |
Head-Hunter | Heart-Eater | Hide Skinner | Horn Blower | Hot-Head |
Hot Tongs | Ice-Mountain | Iron Arm | Iron Mount | Itchy |
Jaws | Jitters | Keen Eye | Learned Scribe | Lice-Head |
Life-Drinker | Limp-Leg | Literate One | Lock-Jaw | Longtooth |
Lucky Shot | Mad-Eye | Maggot-Nest | Man-Catcher | Man-Hunter |
Man-Stalker | Meat Hooks | Metal-Beard | Metal Beater | Mountain Shaker |
Night-Bringer | Oath-Breaker | of Lithlad | of the Black Gate | of the Blackguard |
of the Maggots | of the Spiders | of the Stench | of the White Hand | of the Wind |
One-Eye | Pain Seeker | Pit Fighter | Plague-Bringer | Pot-Licker |
Pureblood | Quarter Master | Quick-Blades | Rabble Rouser | Raid Leader |
Ranger-Killer | Ravager | Raw-Head | Rock Crusher | Rotbeast |
Runny-Bowls | Sawbones | Scar-Artist | Shaman | Shield Master |
Skin-Peeler | Skull Bow | Skull-Cracker | Skull-Lopper | Skull-Splitter |
Slashface | Slave-Lover | Slave Taskmaster | Steward of the Keep | Stone-Hive |
Stoneskin | Storm-Bringer | Sword Master | Taker of Heads | Taskmaster |
the Accursed | the Advisor | the Agonizer | the Alchemist | the All-Eater |
the Amputator | the Ancient One | the Angry | the Anvil | the Armorer |
the Assassin | the Avenger | the Backbiter | the Bard | the Beheader |
the Believer | the Biter | the Black | the Bleeder | the Bloated |
the Bloody | the Blue | the Bone Collector | the Bowmaster | the Brander |
the Brave | the Breaker | the Brewer | the Brother | the Brown |
the Butcher | the Caragor Thief | the Caragor Trainer | the Catcher | the Champion of Gorgoroth |
the Choker | the Chopper | the Chunky | the Claw | the Clever |
the Commander | the Complainer | the Cook | the Corruptor | the Coward |
the Crazy | the Crippler | the Crow | the Cruel | the Cursed |
the Crusher | the Dangerous | the Dark | the Dead | the Deathless |
the Deep Seer | the Defender | the Defiler | the Destroyer | the Devourer |
the Diseased | the Disgusting | the Dragon | the Dreamer | the Driver |
the Drowned | the Drunk | the Dumb | the Dung Collector | the Eater of Men |
the Elder | the Endless | the Enraged | the Ever-Wounded | the Executioner |
the Faithful | the Fanatical | the Fearful | the Flesh Glutton | the Flogger |
the Fool | the Forsworn | the Foul | the Friendly | the Funny One |
the Gab | the Gambler | the Gentle | the Glutton | the Gluttonous |
the Gold-Thief | the Golden | the Gorger | the Grinder | the Grizzled |
the Grog Hoarder | the Guardian | the Guardian of Mordor | the Gut Ripper | the Hacker |
the Handsome | the Heartless | the Hell-Hawk | the Hook | the Humiliator |
the Humongous | the Hungry | the Hunter | the Hurler | the Immovable |
the Infernal | the Inscrutable | the Iron Willed | the Judge | the Killer |
the Kin-Slayer | the Knife | the Legend | the Loaded | the Lookout |
the Lucky | the Lurker | the Machine | the Mad | the Maggot |
the Man-Eater | the Manhunter | the Map Keeper | the Marauder | the Meat Grinder |
the Meat Hoarder | the Merciful | the Merciless | the Messenger | the Metal Beater |
the Mindless | the Mountain | the Murderous | the Noble | the Obsessed |
the Obvious | the Other Twin (unique) | the Pain Lover | the Painted | the Pathetic |
the Pickler | the Pinch | the Poet | the Poisoner | the Pretender |
the Prickler | the Proud | the Prowler | the Puny | the Quartermaster |
the Rash | the Rat | the Raven | the Reckless | the Red |
the Relentless | the Rhymer | the Ripper | the Ruinous | the Runner |
the Runt | the Sadistic | the Savage | the Scholar | the Screamer |
the Serpent | the Shadow | the Shield | the Shield-Master | the Shy |
the Sick | the Sickly | the Singer | the Skinless | the Slasher |
the Slaughterer | the Slaver | the Slippery | the Small | the Smasher |
the Smuggler | the Sneak | the Snowflake | the Soothsayer | the Spear Master |
the Spike | the Sprog | the Stinger | the Stout | the Strangler |
the Strong | the Surgeon | the Suspicious | the Sweet | the Swift |
the Tactician | the Tainted | the Tark Slayer | the Tenderizer | the Terror |
the Thirsty | the Thunderer | the Timid | the Tongue | the Tower |
the Tracker | the Trainer | the Tricky | the Twin (unique) | the Tyrant |
the Uncatchable | the Unclean | the Unkillable | the Venomous | the Vicious |
the Vile | the Wall | the Wanderer | the War-Bringer | the Warden |
the Warlock | the Warlord | the Warrior | the Wasp | the Watcher |
the Weak | the Whiner | the Whisperer | the Wicked | the Wild |
the Wise | the Wrath Breeder | the Wreck | the Wrestler | Thin Bones |
Throat-Slasher | Thunder-Bowels | Thunderhead | Tree-Killer | Troll Slayer |
Troll-Born | Ugly Face | Vat Keeper | Warmonger | Who Flees |
Worm-Licker |
- If an Uruk fought or killed Talion the most, he will appear in Lord of Mordor as Talion's main nemesis who rallies Uruks to fight against Talion and his 5 branded Warchiefs.
- Caragor pit fights may occur at Nurnen for regular Soldiers at an arena located in Fort Morn which can promote a Soldier to a Captain if he gets the last hit on the Caragor.
Uruks |
Sauron's Army • Uruks, the Great Orcs |
Feral |
Caragors • Dire Caragor • Caragaths • Graug • Olog Graug • Horned Graug • Legendary Graug • Wretched Graugs • Ghûls • Ghûl Matrons |
Other |
Hell-hawk • Mordor Rats • Morgai Flies • Morgul Bats • Ungol • Great Beast • Great Eagle • Barrow Wight soldiers • Deleted Creatures |