- A Elbereth Gilthoniel
- A Feast of Flesh
- A Knife in the Dark
- Abilities
- Abilities (Shadow of War)
- Acharn
- Aeglos
- Ainur
- Akoth
- Alastair Duncan
- Alfirin
- An Interested Party
- Apothecary Jar
- Ar-Baruk the Thrall
- Ar-Kaius
- Arda
- Arise
- Artifacts
- Ascendant
- Asgon
- Athelas
- Aura of Dismay
- Az-Harto
- Azkâr
- Azri Aghash
- Azuradan
- Balefire
- Balefire (Status Effect)
- Balrog
- Bane of Mordor
- Bane of Shadow
- Barad-dûr
- Barad Núrn
- Barad Silme
- Baranor
- Bare as Bones
- Barrow-Downs
- Barrow Wight soldiers
- Barrows
- Basket Fragment
- Beast Master
- Belching Monstrosity
- Betrayer
- Big Game
- Black Arrow
- Black Captains
- Black Gate
- Black Hand Fortress
- Black Hand of Sauron
- Black Númenóreans
- Black Road
- Black Screams
- Black Speech
- Blade Master
- Blade Master (Rune)
- Blade of Gondolin
- Blasted Uruks
- Blood-Stained Buckler
- Blue Milk
- Blue Wizards
- Bones of the Earth
- Borrowed Blades
- Bow Master
- Brace of Daggers
- Brand
- Branding Iron
- Breath of Light
- Bree
- Bright Fury
- Brogg
- Broken Mind
- Broken Staff
- Brutalize
- Brûz
- Burning Blood
- Burning Pitch
- Call of the Caragath
- Carach Angren
- Caragaths
- Caragor Hunter
- Caragor bait
- Caragors
- Carandôl
- Carchost
- Carnán
- Castamir
- Celebrimbor
- Character skins
- Chill Soul
- Choking Horror
- Cirith Ungol
- Clear the Skies
- Climbing the Ranks
- Coded Journal Entry 1
- Coded Journal Entry 2
- Coded Journal Entry 3
- Cold as Stone
- Combat Drain
- Consuming
- Cook's Knife
- Cracks of Doom
- Critical Strike
- Critical Strike 2
- Crushed Spider Egg
- Curse
- Cutting the Lines
- Dagorlad
- Dark Lord
- Dark Talion
- Dark Tribe
- Darz-Gurum
- Dead Marshes
- Deadly Archer
- Death Threat
- Deathly Whisper
- Defiant to the End
- Deleted Creatures
- Desolation of Mordor
- Detonate
- Dire Caragors
- Dirhael
- Dispatch
- Display of Power
- Dol Guldur
- Domination
- Don't Shoot the Messenger
- Double Charge
- Downloadable content
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- Drakes
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- Drive them Back
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- Eltariel
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- Elven Swiftness
- Elves
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- Ered Glamhoth
- Eregion
- Eru Ilúvatar
- Eryn
- Ettenmoors
- Evenstar
- Excavator Cog
- Execution
- Explosive Demise
- Eä
- Faint Steps
- Fatal Secrets
- Favor of the Lady
- Fell Handed
- Fell Voices
- Feral Tribe
- Fire Arrow
- Fire Graug
- Fire Storm
- Fires of War
- First Age
- Flame of Anor
- Flame of Vengeance
- Foe Hammer
- For Vengeance
- Foresight
- Forge of War
- Fort Morn
- Forthog
- Fortress
- Fourth Age
- Frolum's Ring
- From Hunter to Hunted
- Frost Graug
- Frowning Skull
- Galadriel
- Gear
- Ghâshgôr
- Ghûl Matrons
- Ghûl mound
- Ghûls
- Gimûb
- Glorious Charge
- Gnawing Fear
- Goblins
- Gollum
- Gollum's song
- Gondor
- Gondorian Coin
- Gondorian Soldier
- Gorging
- Gorgoroth
- Goroth
- Gorthaur
- Gorvin
- Graug
- Graug Hunter
- Graven Idol Representing Morgoth
- Gravewalker
- Great Beasts
- Great Eagle
- Grim Resolve
- Grog
- Grog Bowl
- Grûblik
- Guardians of the Flaming Eye
- Gwînuial
- Hallas
- Hammer of Sauron
- Harbinger of Doom
- Heart of Mearas
- Hearts and Minds
- Heaving Rampage
- Hell-hawks
- Helm Hammerhand
- Herald's Scroll
- Hidden Blade
- Hidden Power
- Hirgon of Tarnost
- Hithlas
- Hobbits
- Hoe Blade
- Hold Your Tongue
- Homewrecker
- Horned Graugs
- Horned Helmet
- How to: Capture images and share from Photo Mode
- Howling Storm
- Hunter's Instinct
- Hunting Challenges
- Hunting Partners
- Hypocritical Oath
- Idril
- Impact
- In the Flesh
- Into the Pit
- Ioreth
- Ioreth's song
- Iron Shackle
- Isildur
- Ithildin
- J.R.R. Tolkien
- Jack Quaid
- Jaws of Steel
- Jennifer Hale
- Keen Eyed
- Khargukor
- Knight of Eregion
- Know No Pain
- Lady Marwen
- Last Chance
- Last Chance Finisher
- Last Hope
- Laura Bailey
- Lawless Disorder
- Legendary Graug
- Lethal Shadow Strike
- Liam O'Brien
- Life for Death
- Light in the Darkness
- Light of Galadriel
- Light of the Valar
- Lion
- Lithariel
- Lithlad
- Lockbox Key
- Lockpick
- Lord Asgon
- Lord of Mordor
- Lord of the Hunt
- Lord of the Rings (title)
- Lothrond
- Lure of Power
- Machine Tribe
- Maiar
- Makhrosh-torgh
- Mallos
- Many Legs, Clacking Fangs
- Marauder Tribe
- Matrons Rising
- Medallion Half 1, The Two Trees of Valinor
- Medallion Half 2, The Two Trees of Valinor
- Men
- Men of Gondor
- Middle-earth
- Middle-earth: Master Challenge
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor/screenshots
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor/soundtrack
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor/videos
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War/soundtrack
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War Wiki:Manual of Style
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War Wiki:Rules of Conduct
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War Wiki:Writing Tense
- Mighty Rage
- Minas Ithil
- Minas Morgul
- Minas Tirith
- Mirian
- Mirkwood forest
- Mogg
- Monolith Productions
- Mordor
- Mordor Rats
- Mordor in Flames
- Morgai Flies
- Morgan
- Morgoth
- Morgoth's Scar
- Morgul Bats
- Mortar and Pestle
- Mount Doom
- Musty Tome
- Mystic Tribe
- Nameless Things
- Narchost
- Nature's Wrath
- Naugrimbas
- Naz
- Nazgûl
- Nemesis
- Nemesis Traits
- New ring
- Niphredil
- No Rest for the Wretched
- Nolan North
- Nordinbad
- Nowhere to Hide
- Númenorean
- Númenórean Gauntlet
- Núrn
- Núrnen Fishery
- Oathbreaker
- Ogg
- Olog-Hai
- Olog Graugs
- On the Origin of Orcses
- One Ring
- One Ring Missions